What is a Management Buy-Out (MBO)?

What is a Management Buy-Out (MBO)? An MBO happens when an existing management team purchases all or part of the company they work for. MBOs are usually facilitated using external financing and most commonly occur when the company owners want to exit the business or when the company is struggling to grow and the management […]
Corporate Finance at HB&O

What is corporate Finance? Corporate Finance is a catch all term, which covers the major events in a business lifecycle such as sales, acquisitions, management buy-outs and mergers. Services that fall within this category cover all aspects of these processes, from valuations, business appraisals and price negotiations, right the way through to completion, with due […]
The relaunch of the Recovery Loan Scheme: what has changed?

You might have heard that the Recovery Loan Scheme has recently been extended – but what has changed in the relaunch of the scheme and what does it mean for businesses? We’ll guide you through the new outlines, explain what the extended scheme is intending to achieve and talk about the eligibility criteria. The original […]
Exit Strategy – What should you consider?

Would your business fall apart without you? What’s your Plan B in case of accident, illness, or if you wanted to take an occasional holiday? If you were thinking of selling it, what’s your exit strategy? Would your business still thrive, or would it suffer a catastrophic failure if you suddenly stepped away? It’s tough […]
Four essential things every business owner should evaluate today

As we moved into 2022 earlier this year, there was a collective sigh of relief as it felt like we had finally left the COVID-19 pandemic in the past. But in doing this, for many, it still feels a little bit ‘Groundhog Day’. It can be incredibly easy to keep your head down and charge forward looking for an ever-moving finish […]
The roadmap to recovery: six proactive steps for business owners to take now

Over the past couple of years, we’ve been focusing on providing our clients with information on support schemes to keep their businesses afloat. However, we’re now living in a post-pandemic world and that brings with it new challenges and new opportunities. Many businesses are still in ‘recovery’, so we’ve come up with six proactive steps […]
What is my business worth?

It’s a well-known concept that, essentially, ‘the business is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it’, but there are some fundamental principles, both on a financial and non-financial basis, upon which a business valuation is made. Net Assets Does the business have a strong balance sheet with plenty of cash? Is there a lot […]
The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) – how do I apply?

HB&O’s Corporate Finance Director, Greg Philp, looks at how you can apply to access finance under The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS)
Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme: your FAQs answered.

CBILS is a scheme for businesses across the UK that are experiencing lost revenue due to the coronavirus, causing cash flow issues within their business.