Corporate Finance Advisory

Corporate Finance is a catch all term which covers major business transactions including sales, purchases, management buy outs or mergers. These transactions often involve a number of complex steps in order to make sure deals are properly structured and managed

Our Corporate Finance Offering

Exit Planning

Selling your business

Mergers & Acquisitions

Management Buy Outs

Strategic succession planning

Business and share valuations

Financial due diligence

Raising Finance

Exit Planning

It’s important to remember that selling your business often requires careful and detailed planning. You’ll benefit greatly from planning your sale well in advance. It is never too early to begin preparations and, typically, an exit strategy may start to be formed up to 5 years before the potential sale. Before embarking on your journey, you may wish to explore the most appropriate path for yourself and ensure this is aligned with your wider plans outside of the Company.

Tax planning

Selling your business

Selling the business you have worked so hard to build can be charged with emotion. We’ll always work to achieve an outcome that reflects your work and investment, project managing the process from beginning to end.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Buying a business is potentially one of the biggest deals you’ll ever do and, when managed correctly, can bring about a huge number of opportunities. Whether it’s a new venture or expanding your existing business, we will help you identify targets, value opportunities, negotiate with sellers and structure agreements.

Mergers and Acquisitions
Management buy outs

Management Buy Outs

When business owners want to retire or move on, a management buyout (MBO) can be a great option for a smooth transition of ownership. An MBO can give existing managers, or employees, a greater share in the business’s future success and buying the business they work for can be an attractive alternative to starting up from scratch.

Strategic succession planning

Planning now for the future is crucial, even if you intend to remain involved in your company for years to come. We’ll help you put a clear roadmap in place that gives you complete peace of mind as you head towards retirement.
Strategic succession planning
Business and share valuations

Business and share valuations

Corporate Finance FAQ #1: How much is my business worth? With so many factors in play, informal valuations or detailed reports can be the most reliable way to answer that. These reports can arm you with the information you need to feed into your immediate and future business strategy.

Financial Due Diligence

Due diligence is essential to avoid nasty surprises when buying a business and is designed to uncover any liabilities or risks that could affect the transaction or prevent you from securing finance. We dig into the accounting and tax records of the business in question to verify that the information provided by the seller is correct, so you have peace of mind over your potential purchase.
Financial Due Diligence

Raising Finance

Drawing on decades of knowledge, our in-house team becomes your own commercial finance broker. We can advise on huge range of finance facilities so you’ll have all the options to consider, and being connected to the entire financial marketplace, we guarantee that we’ll find the best solution for your business. 

Contact Us

Want to find out more about us or enquire about working together? We’d love to hear from you. Head over to our enquiry page, fill in the form and we will be in touch!

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